The film dramatizes key events in Malcolm X's life: his criminal career, his incarceration, his conversion to Islam, his ministry as a member of the Nation of Islam and his later falling out with the organization, his marriage to Betty X, his pilgrimage to Mecca and reevaluation of his views concerning whites, and his assassination on February 21, 1965. Defining childhood incidents, including his father's death, his mother's mental illness, and his experiences with racism are dramatized in flashbacks.
Malcolm X's screenplay, co-credited to Lee and Arnold Perl, is based largely on Alex Haley's 1965 book, The Autobiography of Malcolm X. Haley collaborated with Malcolm X on the book beginning in 1963 and completed it after Malcolm X's death.
Malcolm "Detroit Red" Little, a troubled, small-time criminal and his friend, Shorty, are walking down a street in gaudy zoot suits. Little also receives a conk from Shorty. They concoct various criminal schemes to make money. Eventually, Little becomes involved with a Harlem gangster named West Indian Archie (Lindo). Archie takes Little on as his protégè, but they ultimately have a falling out over money owed Little, who accuses Archie of "slipping" mentally. After a fight, Little flees back to Boston. There, he is reunited with Shorty and becomes romantically involved with a white woman. Little and Shorty target a wealthy white couple and rob their home. However, both are later arrested for the crime and sentenced to eight-to-ten years in prison.
Despite the Nation of Islam growing greatly in size and influence during Malcolm X's tenure, however, there is growing resentment of him within the organization. The pro-Elijah Muhammad faction (which includes Baines), perceives that Malcolm X actually considers himself the Nation of Islam and might attempt to force Muhammad out as its leader. Muhammad maintains confidence in his protégè, telling Baines that everything Malcolm has done has benefited the nation. However, Malcolm becomes disillusioned by his mentor's hypocrisy when he learns that newspaper reports accusing Elijah Muhammad of fathering eight children out of wedlock with six teenaged girls are accurate when he talks to them. Malcolm confronts Muhammad, who justifies his infidelity as the need to "plant his seed in fertile soil". After making deliberately provocative statements concerning the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in direct violation of Elijah Muhammad's directive that none of his ministers were to comment on it, Malcolm X is suspended from all activity for ninety days. He submits to the punishment.

rights activist Malcolm X,

Malcolm X Quotes

Affairs, Malcolm X, Quotes

Malcolm X Biography

\x26gt;malcolm x quotes on racism

prince—our own black

Malcolm X - Issue 42

Malcolm X

Malcolm X Birthday Thread.

way that Malcolm did.

Who is Malcolm X (article of

Eldridge Cleaver : If a man like Malcolm X could change and repudiate racism

Born Malcolm Little

Malcolm X - 1992

Malcolm X (born Malcolm Little

Malcolm X
Malcolm X's screenplay, co-credited to Lee and Arnold Perl, is based largely on Alex Haley's 1965 book, The Autobiography of Malcolm X. Haley collaborated with Malcolm X on the book beginning in 1963 and completed it after Malcolm X's death.
Malcolm "Detroit Red" Little, a troubled, small-time criminal and his friend, Shorty, are walking down a street in gaudy zoot suits. Little also receives a conk from Shorty. They concoct various criminal schemes to make money. Eventually, Little becomes involved with a Harlem gangster named West Indian Archie (Lindo). Archie takes Little on as his protégè, but they ultimately have a falling out over money owed Little, who accuses Archie of "slipping" mentally. After a fight, Little flees back to Boston. There, he is reunited with Shorty and becomes romantically involved with a white woman. Little and Shorty target a wealthy white couple and rob their home. However, both are later arrested for the crime and sentenced to eight-to-ten years in prison.
Despite the Nation of Islam growing greatly in size and influence during Malcolm X's tenure, however, there is growing resentment of him within the organization. The pro-Elijah Muhammad faction (which includes Baines), perceives that Malcolm X actually considers himself the Nation of Islam and might attempt to force Muhammad out as its leader. Muhammad maintains confidence in his protégè, telling Baines that everything Malcolm has done has benefited the nation. However, Malcolm becomes disillusioned by his mentor's hypocrisy when he learns that newspaper reports accusing Elijah Muhammad of fathering eight children out of wedlock with six teenaged girls are accurate when he talks to them. Malcolm confronts Muhammad, who justifies his infidelity as the need to "plant his seed in fertile soil". After making deliberately provocative statements concerning the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in direct violation of Elijah Muhammad's directive that none of his ministers were to comment on it, Malcolm X is suspended from all activity for ninety days. He submits to the punishment.

rights activist Malcolm X,
Malcolm X Quotes
Affairs, Malcolm X, Quotes
Malcolm X Biography
\x26gt;malcolm x quotes on racism
prince—our own black
Malcolm X - Issue 42
Malcolm X
Malcolm X Birthday Thread.
way that Malcolm did.
Who is Malcolm X (article of
Eldridge Cleaver : If a man like Malcolm X could change and repudiate racism
Born Malcolm Little
Malcolm X - 1992
Malcolm X (born Malcolm Little
Malcolm X