Saturday, November 19, 2011

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Most practicing Bahá'ís, Brahmins, Meivazhi-ites, Pillays, Mormons, Hare Krishnas, Muslims, Scientologists, Seventh-day Adventists, Christian Scientists, Jains, and Sikhs can be considered to be teetotalers as abstention from alcohol is a tenet of all these religions. However, there are some exceptions.

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One of the five precepts of Buddhism is abstaining from intoxicating substances that disturb the peace and self-control of the mind, but it is formulated as a training rule to be assumed voluntarily rather than as a commandment.

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Many Christians such as Methodists, Quakers and Baptists are often associated with teetotalism due to their traditionally strong support for temperance movements and prohibition. Abstinence is not a religious requirement, but the tradition is strong enough to make ritual and recreational alcohol consumption a controversial issue among some members. Members of the Salvation Army make a promise on joining the movement to observe life-long abstinence from alcohol, but they do not consider partaking of alcohol to be inherently wrong. Catholicism, the Orthodox Churches, and Anglicanism all require wine in their central religious rite of the eucharist, and while many Protestant churches often allow grape juice or alcohol-free wine in their eucharistic celebrations, only a few Protestants require a non-alcoholic beverage as official policy. (See Christianity and alcohol.)

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